October, 12 A bus trip to Klippan

Screening of the film:

Lewerentz Divine Darkness by Sven Blume in St Petri Kyrka.

Discussion with the director Sven Blume

Guided tour + Exhibition

Info reservations: https://busstur.se/

Att jaga Horisonten - Selma Nilsson
Selma Nilsson
Tuva Hernroth with her film Make space for love, (Moderator: Valentina Rapuano)

ArchFilmLund prize 2023: Soviet Bus Stops

Christopher Herwig Photograph and Producer of the film Soviet Bus Stops

Oliver Gras reading the motivation for the prize:

For chasing the humble traces left by free spirits living in a harsh and heavily controlled society, for giving to these acts of poetry and resistance the recognition that they deserve, and for reminding us that every society has its form of alienation or diktats which it is the role of the artist to challenge.

When building these bus stops the local souls found a place to express their own fantasy and show them proudly to the rest of the society, that’s in itself  a kind of manifest about what living together could, or should, be about: exchanging fantasies.

Beautiful photography, humor, warm human encounters and a soundtrack to travel in time and geography makes it a wonderful journey.ArchFilmLund is proud to give the ArchFilmLund Prize 2023 to Kristoffer Hegnsvad for his film Soviet Bus Stops.

Discussion about collective living around the films Slums: Cities of Tomorrow & Good Life: David Sim Moderator, architect and Author of Soft City, Marta Dauliute Director of Good life
Daisy Charlesworth, Kollektivhuset Röda Oasen  
Ivette Arroyo Architect PHD, Sara Ericsson Architect Fojab,

Marta Dauliute

ArchFilm TV Live with Architecture Students. Guests and films from the festival

Foton av Vahid Darejati

Clemenstorget Lund.

Actors: Helena Gerdmar, Ursula Jonasson, Joakim Lantz,

Octave & Folke . An installation by ArchFilm & Lumior. In collaboration with Vinterlund.

ArchFilmLund Prize 2021

Discussions with Guests on Zoom

Poolside Screening Hörby

Holmbergska parken 3-4 juli 2021

Alla hjärtans dag 14/2

Paraplyerna i Cherbourg

Clemenstorget, Lund

I samarbete med Lumior Vinterlund & Love Coffee

Festival 2020

16-18 October Lund:Grand Hotel, Kino Altona Parkering


ArchFilmLund PRIZE Best Short Documentary

ArchFilmLund Prize: Best feature documentary

ArchFilmLund Best Student film

Films from the festival are here Or visit our Youtube Channel


ArchFilmFilm Lund Prize : Flying Monks Temple, Zanete Skarule. (Distributed by Karin Fagerberg Part of the Jury)
ArchFilmLund Prize 2019: Flying Monks Temple, Zanete Skarule.

Video from Prize Ceremony ArchFilmLund Prize. The whole discussion with Zanete Skarule

Special Student Prize: Nicholas Hartman for the film Bucharest in Transformation. Video: The prize + The film ( 2 min)

Daniel Serafimovski, architect and researcher on the project present the film Skopje - A City Interrupted  (J.Michau, S. Bøggild, 2019) Video extract from presentation.

Samtal: Om att låta arkitektur ta tid - med Lena Sjöstrand, (Domkyrkokaplan Svenska kyrkan)  och Titti Olsson (Journalist och chefredaktör för tidskriften STAD, Tankesmedjan Movium, SLU) Utdrag ur samtal

Mark Isitt, Mark Isitt  känd från bla Stadsinspektionen för P4 och P1. gästar ArchFilmLund och diskuterar stadsutveckling.
Moderator: Marco Pusterla.  Domkyrkoforum 2010-10-19
[Edited version]
Tack till Johan Sundberg Arkitektur, Landen + Krantz Arkitekter, Jakobsson Pusterla Arkitekter

Metropolis as Videoinstallation in Bosebo Kyrka Kulturen. Livemusic by Metrophonic Orchestra. An installation by Otto Vretare and Lumior

Aftter the concert

Lund International Architecture
Film Festival 2018


ArchFilmLund Prize 2018 

for the best documentary film goes to

Film Director François Xavier Destors from France

For his film ”Melting Souls”

For a story told with sensitivity about a city built in an area with unimaginably harsh environment, and where one of the world´s most horrendous eventstook place, focusing on its inhabitans who despite all difficulties and desire toleave, live a meaningful everyday life thanks to the community and artisticcreativity.




October 14th 2018

Kulturnatten 2019

Filmvisning, soffor, filtar och fåtöljer med fika på St Gråbrödersgatans parkering.
Tack till Lumior, Lkp, Stadshuset och filmaren Haruna Honcoop för en lyckad kväll!

FILM: "Made in Ilima" Stenkrossen, Lund 13/4 at 1PM

I samarbete med Hållbarhetsfestivalen och Synaps visar ArchFilmLund denna dokumentär kl 13 på Stenkrossen lördag 13/4 kl 13. Filmvisning föjs av en diskussion om konst och film med forskarna Emma Johansson och Torsten Krause vid LUCSUS.

Made in Ilima a documentary by Thatcher Bean ( Congo / US )

TRAILER https://vimeo.com/238674041

In the center of Equator Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Ilima community remains one of the most isolated in the world. They have coexisted with endangered wildlife in their surrounding forest for generations, but as the pace of development has increased, this fragile ecosystem has suffered. They partnered with the African Wildlife Foundation and MASS Design Group in 2012 to create a new conservation focused primary school and community center - one that had to endure for generations, yet be built almost exclusively using local materials. 

Cinematographer and educator Rachel Brose grew up in the Congo and relocated to Ilima in order to document this entire collective process - one aimed at leveraging local craft and ecological knowledge towards education, preservation, and beauty.



Made in Ilima