The Soviet director Sergei Eisenstein called architecture “film’s undoubted ancestor”. Since the invention of cinema, the moving image has offered film audiences new ways of experiencing spaces and places. By approaching architectural space through different angles and framings, using close-ups of details as well as panoramic views, the film camera makes it possible to see already familiar buildings in new ways. In addition, the film medium can function as a form of armchair travel, allowing our eyes and minds to visit spaces inaccessible to us, not just in space but also in time. The moving image can give us vivid experiences of architecture that no longer exists, as well as imaginary visions of future cityscapes.
Grounded in 2009 by Elzbieta Jasinska Brunnberg the Lund International Architecture Film Festival takes place in the autumn providing a platform for exploring contemporary and historical interconnections between architecture and film, screening a wide range of fictional and documentary films and bringing together seminars/debates, exhibitions, workshops, lectures and other activities. Altogether these will form the framework for discussions about architecture in fiction films as well as visions of a good and liveable built environment for the future. Special guests – architects, filmmakers, journalists and artists from Sweden and abroad are invited to participate in seminars on architecture in films and themes highlighted in the documentary films.
ArchFilmLund even offers Extras: film screenings, workshops and debates events in cooperation with others. Contact us with an idea or an inquiry via mail:
The City of Lund offers unique opportunities with its location in the centre of the dynamic Öresund Region, its rich cultural and historical heritage together with a diversity of research institutions connected to Scandinavia’s largest university as well as international well-known companies and successful local businesses.
Who we are
Emelie Carlsson Gras

Festival director
Filmmaker living in Lund, working mostly with documentary and art films. Educated from film and art schools in Sweden and Paris as well as in film and media history (MA). I believe in the importance of the festival as a meeting point and place of discussion: To create opportunities for filmmakers, architects, artist, researchers and citizens to expose and reflect on their work and illuminate existential and urgent issues in our contemporary society.
Marco Pusterla

Architecture Coordinator, Debates and Talks, Vice Chairman
Architect. Studied architecture at Politecnico di Milano and LTH in Lund. Practicing architect and partner at Jakobsson & Pusterla, Helsingborg. Teaching assistant and guest lecturer in different architecture schools.
Has been following and supporting the staff of Lund International Architecture Film Festival since the first edition.
Karin Fagerberg

Karin Fagerberg is an architect and urban designer at FOJAB. She is a lover of film as the ultimate media being a visual, epic and a sonory experience. Film can be a driver of change by conveying sheer facts as well as emotions. Archfilm can be a part of the debate about architecture and urbanism as well as being inspirational.
Member of the board since 2015.
Olivier Gras

ArchfilmLund Club, Website
Architect, educated in France and practicing in Sweden since 2004, I came to cinema by making hand drawn animations. Enabling the communication of spatial experiences the cinema is, I believe, the best medium for presenting both architectural visions and built environments.
Cecilia Pering

Cecilia Pering is a senior architect at FOJAB.
Cecilia has taken part of Lund International Architecture Film Festival since the start 2009.
FOJAB was initially the main sponsor of the festival.
During all festivals Cecilia has seen an ample amount of films and taken part of extensive discussions with people devoted to film about architecture.
Cecilia is member of the board since Spring 2020.<
Jenny Fröslee Jonsson

Jenny is an architect educated in Copenhagen, living in Lund and a cineaste from an early age.
Film is a way to see and explore through the eyes of others, not least the architectural space – which is one of the dimensions of the film medium.
Perhaps film is the art form that understands architecture best?
The film festival is therefore an important platform for this meeting and the discussion based on the human experience of the built environment.
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Guiden: Global utblick på Lunds arkitekturfilmfestival
Hon är vita dukens arkitekt
Arkitekturfilmfestivalen slår filmrekord i höstPublicerad 19 september 2016
Film som väcker nya tankar om stadenPublicerad 4 september 2014
En vecka fylld av film och arkitekturPublicerad 15 augusti 2015
Film som väcker nya tankar om stadenPublicerad 4 september 2014
Den nionde arkitekturfilmfestivalen drar igång på KulturenPublicerad 9 oktober 2018
Festival's Guests Since 2009
Marie-Claude Dubois, Lund, architect White/LTH
Peter Young, film director, Christchurch, New Zealand
Lars Tingskov Mikkelsen, film director, Malmö
Håkan Bjerking, film director/producer, Hällviken
Klara Grunning, film commisionar, Stockholm/Malmö
Håkan Lockby, Lunds kommun
Viveca Rosencrantz, architect, Fojab arkitekter, Malmö
Josephine Michau, director, Copenhagen Architecture x Film, Köpenhamn
Hans Christian Post, film director, Copenhagen
Jeannete Brinkfalt, Akademiska Hus, Lund
Lars Tingskov Mikkelsen, film director, Copenhagen
Larke Jul Gagner, Gehl Architects, Copenhagen
Jesper Pagh, director, Danish Architects Association
Pierre Gaffié, film director, Paris
Audrey Aquilina, film director, London
Karin Ekblom, architect, priest, Malmö
Anna Arnman, film critic, Lund
Vega Vidmalm, film director, Lund
Cecilia Nebel, journalist, Lund
Nazdar Ghahali, architect, White, Göteborg
Robert Lawson, film director, Seattle, USA
Anders Svensson, architect, professor, Chalmers
Gunilla Flygare, market director, LKF
Therese Andersson, Region Skåne
Anna Helide, MKB, Malmö
Margarete Jangård, film producer, Malmö
John Szot, architect, New York
Sven Blome, film director, Stockholm
Magnus Löfvendahl, landscape architect, Nyrens, Stockholm
Åsa Samuelsson, architect, Nyrens, Stockholm
Helena Lindblad, film critic, Dagens Nyheter, Stockholm
Richard Martin, architect, writer, London
Piotr C Sliwowski, film producer, Warszawa
Ina Ivanceanu, film director, Wienna
Josef Kullengård, film festival producer, Malmö
Dorte Mandrup, Architect, Copenhagen
Christel Nisbeth, film director/architect, Copenhagen
Moa Liew, film director/architect, Copenhagen
Hala Helgadóttir, director, Reykjavik
Andreas Dalsgaard, film director, Copenhagen
Timo Hämäläinen, director, Helsingfors
Hege Maria Eriksson, director, Oslo
Pontus Kyander, art scientist, Helsingfors
Kristoffer Rus, film photograph, Stockholm/Warszawa
Jonas Kelagher, film producer, Göteborg
Johan Wester, comedian, Lund
Magnus Gertten, film director, Malmö
Mats Jönsson, film scientist, Lund
Gunilla Lindhe Bjur, architecture professor, Göteborg
Nils de Brun, architect, Stockholm
Erik Ahrnbom, film writer, Lund, Stockholm
Caroline Leander, singer, composer, Malmö
Karin Fahlé, film director, Stockholm
Martina Stöhr, film producer, Stockholm
Anders E Larsson, film scientist, composer, Lund
Johannes Stjärne Nilsson, film director, Lund
Petter Forkstam, politician MP, Lund
Ardshir Seradj, fim director, Göteborg
Jacob Nilsson, Film i Skolan
Andreas Nobel, artist, Stockholm
Fredrik Stenberg, architect, Stockholm
Birgitta Ramdell,director Form Design Center, Malmö
Fredrik Jönsson, director, Lund
Edwin Bylander, architect, Malmö
Roy Andersson, film director, Stockholm
Illa Bêka, film director, Paris
Louise Lemoine, film director, Paris
Jytte Rex, film director, Copenhagen
Andreas Dalsgaard, film director, Copenhagen
Fritte Fritzon, stand up artist, architect, Stockholm
Andrés Rubio, film director, Madrid
Mathias Frick, film director, Berlin
Gitte Grønfeld Wille, director of Culture Departement Skåne
Torsten Schenlear, director of Culture Departement City of Lund
Moa Liew, film director, Copenhagen
Christel Nisbeth, film director, Copenhagen
Jan Åman, curator, Stockholm
Peter Krigström, architect, Sweco, Malmö
Gunilla Svensson, architect, Gunilla Svensson arkitektkontor, Lund
Gunilla Kronvall, architect, president for Swedish Architects Sociaty Skåne
Lisa Kirsebom, jornalist, Malmö
Rachelle Åstrand, architect, Fojab arkitekter, Malmö
Joshua Frankel, film director, mural artist, New York
Eve Biddle, mural artist, New York
Patrick Amsellem, director, Museum of Sketches, Lund
Ingrid Rudefors, film commissionar, writer, New York/Stockholm
Thore Soneson, film director, artist, Malmö
Nina Gunne, architect, Swedish Architects Association, Stockholm
Mattias Oscarsson, film critic, journalist, Sydsvenska Dagbladet, Malmö
Ewa Westermark, architect, Gehl Architects, Köpenhamn
Cecilia Olsson, dance critic, program director The Swedish Program, Stockholm
Linus Gårdfeldt, writer, poet, Malmö
Madeleine Brandin, architect, writer, Trelleborg
Emma Ribbing, dancer, Malmö,
Miguel Cortés, urban dancer,
Per Svensson, journalist, writer, Sydsvenska Dagbladet, Malmö,
Mats Hultman, Architect, The School of Architecture, Lund University, Lund
Johnny Åstrand, architect, direcot of Housing Development & Management, Lund University, Lund
Ulrika Lundquist, architect, Malmö
Björn Wende, traffic expert, director Trivector AB
Fredrik Pettersson, Lund University, Lund
Daniel Abadie, curator Architecture & Dubuffet, Paris
Janne Ahlin, architect professor emeritus, Torekov
Jan-Torsten Ahlstrand, writer, Lund
Lars Gustav Andersson, docent in film science and literature, Lund
Ola Andersson, architect, critic, Stockholm
Bengt Aronsson, architect, Lund
Gary Bates, architect, Oslo
Johan Bengt-Påhlsson, journalist, Stockholm
Jana Cisar, film producer, Berlin
John Cramer, architect, Lund/Belgrad
Dániel Dányi, writer, Budapest
Mårten Dunér, architect, Karlshamn
Jens Dymling, architect, Malmö
Lars Ekholm, artist, author of ArchFilmLund-Prize statue, Lund
Paul Eriksson, architect, Lund/Malmö
Jens Friis-Hansen, composer, Malmö
Tony Fretton, architect, professor, London/Delft/Zürich
Catharina Gabrielsson, architect, London
Fredrik Gertten, film director, Malmö
Monika Gora, lanscape architect, artist, Malmö
Leo Gullbring, writer, architecture critic, Lund
Ingrid Gustavsson, architect Akademiska Hus AB Syd, Lund
Inga Hallén, architect, director, Lund
Maria Hellström-Reimer, artist, lektor, Malmö
Mark Isitt, writer, architecture critic, Stockholm
Per Iwansson, architect, Båstad, Lund
Carin Johanson, architect, film director, Visby
Jan Hemmel, film director, writer, Malmö
Bartek Konopka, film director, Warszawa
Åsa Maria Kraft, writer, Lund
Görel Andersdotter Gill, artist, Lund
Enno Ladwig, film director, Stockholm
Malena Larsvall, architect, Lund
Max Liljefors, docent in art history, Lund
Marit Lindberg, artist, film director, Malmö
Kajsa Lawaczek Körner, architect, Malmö
Christer Ljungberg, director, Trivector AB, Lund
Ulf Kadefors, architect, director Fojab arkitekter AB, Lund/Malmö
Jaroslaw Kozakiewicz, artist, film director, Warszawa/Bryssel
Eva Tind Kristensen, writer, Copenhagen
Mikael Kristensson, film director, Falsterbo
Pontus Kyander, museum director, Kristiansand
Mattias Kärrholm, architect, Malmö
Ingrid Stigsdotter, lecturer in film history, Malmö/Lund/Växjö
Helena Lindblad, film critic, Stockholm
Christer Malmström, architect, professor, Göteborg/Lund
Emma Nilsson, architect, Malmö
Sune Nordgren, project manager for Kivik Art Centre, Kivik
Kent Olofsson, composer, Lund
Mark Pimlott, architect, artist, London/Delft
Marco Pusterla, architect, Lund/Malmö
Lars Mikael, Raattamaa, writer, Stockholm
David Sim, architect, director, Copenhagen
Eva Sjölin, architect, Lomma
Laila Strunke, architect, president of Swedish Association of Architects, Stockholm
Claire Thomson, dr in film science, London
Tomas Tägil, architect, docent, Lund
Niklas Törnlund, writer, Lund
Tyke Tykesson, architect, writer, Malmö
Maria Udriot, architect, docent, Lund
Claudine Ulrich, dancer, Malmö
Lars Vilks, artist, Viken
Joanna Zawieja, architect, film director, Stockholm/Szczecin
Annika Eklund, culture director, Lund
Ulrika Lundquist, architect, Tengbom/Malmö
Robert Bennesh, musican, Lund
Kristian Petri, film director, Stockholm
Haruna Honcoop, film director, Prague
Dana Plays, film director, USA
Andrea Crudeli, architect, Italy
Emilia Stålhammar, film director, Malmö
Katarina Rundgren, TestBest Studio, Sweden
Monika Góra, Artist, Landscape Architect, Sweden
Barbro Westling, Artist, Sweden
Caroline Ljungberg Toulson, Poden Esplanad Trivector, Sweden
Per Gunnar Andersson, expert public transport, Sweden
Christer Larsson, Riksarkitekt, Sweden
Titti Olsson, chefredaktör för tidskriften Stad, Sweden
Frida Svensson Author and architect, Göteborg, Sweden
Nilli Portugali Director and Architect, Israel.
Kajsa Andersö, Director, Sweden
Tomas Boman, Cinematographer, Sweden.
Tarja Nurmi, arkitekt och writer Helsinki, Finland
Sarah Bitter, Architect and Filmproducer, Paris, France
François-Xavier Destors, Filmdirector, France
The Festival welcome volunteers to work with us during the festival or with ideas during the preparation period.
Welcome to contact us!